Jennifer Moore
Resource Partner at T-Mobile
What did you do before joining MTS in regards to working out?
Played roller derby and worked out hit or miss. Never could hold myself accountable to going to the gym consistently and not great at creating challenging workouts for myself.
How long have you been with MTS?
3+ years!
What’s your favorite workout/exercise at MTS?
Squats – working on my booty! 🙂
What’s your least favorite workout/exercise at MTS?
Running, running, running!
How is MTS different than other methods of training you may have tried in the past?
MTS plans out your well rounded workout every day for you. To have you achieve your goal(s). I just follow their plan and give the effort and continue to get stronger and stronger!
How has MTS helped you attain your fitness goals or athletic endeavors?
Not only did I lose over 40lbs in my first year of work with MTS, but I am stronger and healthier than ever. Brian, Paul and Andy know how to apply just the right amount of pressure/enforcement to keep the workouts challenging. I love my workout family!
What’s your favorite cheat meal/snack?
Chicken Fingers, Mac ‘N Cheese and a James Brownie Jackhammer!
Advice to those just starting out?
It is going to be tough, frustrating and painful at the start! Butt…if you hang in their…create a routine of going, the physical pain and frustration will quickly turn into a positive challenge, sense of price and a lifelong habit. You can do it!