With domestic violence rates three times higher than anywhere else in Missouri, Springfield has a problem. But we can help stop the violence. On Friday, October 28th, the fight to end it goes public. Given the seriousness of our local problem, we are excited to participate in the 2nd annual iCare event for Harmony House. iCare will be gearing up all throughout the month of October and will culminate on Friday, October 28th. This is when the Springfield community will come together to increase awareness about domestic violence and to be part of the solution.
On October 28th hundreds of people will show they care about domestic violence by wearing a symbolic “black eye” sticker and distributing information about Harmony House and domestic violence. We will also help support Harmony House’s mission and services by helping raise funds to assist survivors of this epidemic.
We would love to see this event make a huge impact on this devastating epidemic and hope you will consider helping out by donating to this cause that means so much to us. Another way you can help is by passing on this information to people in your life who would be interested in giving to this important cause.
We encourage you to learn more by going to the iCare web page. You may also make your donation from there. Be sure to view the brief video on that page as well.
Thank you for helping us do our part to raise awareness about domestic violence and to help support the important services provided by Harmony House.
Harmony House Facts
- Harmony House is the only domestic violence shelter in Greene County and the second largest in the state of Missouri.
- We shelter 110 survivors of domestic violence each night of the year and unfortunately are usually at capacity.
- In their lifetime; 1 in 3 women will suffer in a violent relationship and 1 in 7 men.
- It costs just $36 for each safe bed night provided by Harmony House, including meals, case management and all other services.
- In 2015 Harmony House, running at full capacity had to turn away more than 1,900 victims of domestic violence and we served over 700.
- Harmony House is always in need of volunteers, donors and community advocates.
- Harmony House is also the largest shelter of children in Greene County.
- Aside from in shelter services Harmony House has an outreach program and serves about 100 survivors at any given time.
- We have just completed a Capital Campaign, will be moving into a larger facility in early 2017, and will shelter 160 survivors each night.
- Domestic violence doesn’t discriminate; it touches all socioeconomic classes, genders, race and ages.